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Steven Fitzgerald Seagull & The Missing Chips children's book- the Chips Investigation Agency logo

Steven F Seagull WebQuest Competition

Check Your Knowledge About The Book

1 / 8

1. What’s the CIA’s motto?

2 / 8

2. What is Kitty May Gruchelska fond of?

3 / 8

3. In Kitty’s Facebook cover photo, what building can you see in the background?

4 / 8

4. Who interviewed Fitzy for Fry Cove Today?

5 / 8

5. Who is the seagull mafia boss?

6 / 8

6. What creatures can you see with pizza in the book trailer?

7 / 8

7. What does B.C. stand for in the story?

8 / 8

8. What is the title of KMB13’s review of Steven F Seagull & The Missing Chips?

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