“Steven F Seagull and the Missing Chips, by Kitty May Gruchelska, is a delightful adventure set on the coast of Britain. The story follows Steven Fitzgerald Seagull, affectionately known as Fitzy, who embarks on another day of work alongside his fellow seagulls. Their mission is to find their sacred and favourite food: delicious, salty chips. However, a crisis strikes their home of Fry Cove when all the chips mysteriously disappear, leading Fitzy on a thrilling quest to save his hometown.”
Literary Titan
In Chips We Trust
In the seaside town of Fry Cove, the seagull inhabitants enjoy plentiful chips, especially in the high season when the delightful bay is full of tourists. Steven Fitzgerald, a lowly member of the chip reconnaissance team, wishes he wasn’t so useless at his job, but he dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.
However, one day, the chips mysteriously disappear, and no one knows the answer to this chipocalypse.
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where every visit promises new adventures and seagull fun.